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Simons Investigator Awards

The Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology is now accepting applications for Simons Investigators who will work in SCOPE. The deadline for receipt of applications is no later than 1 August 2014, 5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time.


Microbes are the "unseen majority" of organisms that inhabit and sustain all of Earth's habitats, including marine environments. In the ocean, microbes capture solar energy, catalyze key biogeochemical transformations of important elements, produce and consume greenhouse gases, and comprise the base of the marine food web.

The purpose of the Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology, based at the University of Hawai'i, is to advance our understanding of the biology, ecology, and biogeochemistry of microbial processes that dominate Earth's largest biome: the global ocean. This collaborative effort will measure, model, and conduct experiments at a model ecosystem site located 100 km north of Oahu that is representative of a large portion of the North Pacific Ocean.

SCOPE is co-directed by Edward DeLong and David Karl at the University of Hawai'i, Mānoa. They co-chair the SCOPE Steering Committee, which includes Ginger Armbrust, Marian Carlson, Mick Follows and Jon Zehr.

The Simons Foundation understands that creative, challenging, and sometimes even risky research may take years to bear fruit. Through these awards, the Simons Foundation seeks to build a cohesive and interactive multi-disciplinary community of scientists, committed to partner in meaningful collaborations that will address some long-standing scientific challenges in microbial oceanography at this focal study site.

Criteria for Selection

SCOPE Investigators are scientists in tenure-track, tenured, or equivalent positions in any country, who either are or will be making the most important contributions to microbial oceanography. Preference will be given to early to mid career scientists. Scientific productivity, creativity and risk in the design of experiments, and a commitment to collaborative participation at the SCOPE field site (Station ALOHA, 100 km north of Oahu) will be important factors in the selection process. More information on current Investigators, and research topics currently being pursued and of interest to the SCOPE collaboration can be found : Here.

About the Awards

Grants will be in the range of $100,000 USD to $300,000 USD per year, for a period of three years, with possible two-year renewal, subject to annual reviews and contingent on continued work on microbial oceanography questions of interest to SCOPE. Budgets will be reviewed annually. In general, awards to junior faculty or to Investigators newly entering the field will begin at the lower end of the scale, but may increase over the five-year period if justified by significant progress. Simons Investigators will join the collaboration and attend workshops and annual meetings designed to encourage discussion and data sharing.

Application Review Process

The Steering Committee of SCOPE will review applications and forward recommendations for funding to the Simons Foundation staff for their review and final decision. Prospective new Investigators will be notified of decisions by September 15, 2014.

Application Requirements

The following templates must be submitted for review to:

  1. Two-page Biosketch of Investigator, including a publications list (last three years) and current funding.

  2. Narrative, not exceeding two (2) pages, describing proposed SCOPE research activities related to the topics and questions of interest to the SCOPE collaboration.

  3. Estimated budget for the proposed research, and brief budget justification. Indirect costs are limited to 20 percent of modified total direct costs. Please refer to SCOPE Policies and Procedure for more details. Funding will begin on 1 October 2014.

  4. Signature page with institutional approval.